The Sounding Heart

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What is Sound Healing?

To begin to understand Sound Healing, you must first understand that everything that exists is vibrating.

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency to the energy that you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics.

-Albert Einstein

Singing Bowls
As we know, everything is moving. Movement creates vibration, and vibration creates sound. Therefore, everything has a sound. Just as we can’t see infrared or ultraviolet light because our eyes have a limited range of the information they can take in, we can’t hear the sounds of most of our world due because of the limited range of what we can hear. Some scientists say that every cell in our body has a sound, and therefore, so does every organ. If we could hear our body, it would sound like a beautiful chord when we’re in tune, and cacophonous when we’re stressed. When we’re upset and stressed, our body sounds like an orchestra with instruments playing out of tune, and perhaps even playing another melody.
Scientists say that every emotion has a sound as well. That’s why music affects us so profoundly. It plays the sound of an emotion, stimulates that emotion in us, and then we feel it. That’s why some music makes us feel happy, and others sad or excited or calm. There is a physical law called entrainment, in which two vibrations that are similar will vibrate at the same rate
One example of this is when people listening to a lecturer they are interested in, their brain waves become synchronized with the speaker’s brain waves. Another example is our being entrained to the rhythm of the earth which is 7.83 HZ. When astronauts went into space, they developed space sickness – nausea and disorientation. When they placed an instrument on board that played this resonance, the space sickness went away. We need the earth’s rhythm to stay well and balanced.
We are profoundly affected by sound. Think about how differently you feel listening to the sounds of the waves of the ocean, as compared to the sound of a siren blaring from an ambulance. One is relaxing and the other so stressful. Another example is the sound of laughter. It’s impossible not to laugh when you hear it. Or the sound of someone crying. It brings feelings of sadness up in you too.
Sound Healing Session
I had a very clear experience of the impact of the sounds of emotions when working with a mentally ill patient. Since he had been violent, one of our treatment goals for him was for him to get in touch with his anger. He was mystified about what his feelings were, and had no clue what we were talking about when we spoke to him of his anger. He came to one of my sound groups in which I had the patients vocalize their feelings. At the end of the group, he shared with us in amazement that he now knew what anger and sadness was.
This came from listening to the sounds of these emotions made by group members, which then resonated these emotions in him. Sound can help us get in touch with feelings that have been buried and repressed, so we can bring them back home to the love in our heart. This can help us go from feeling there are pieces of us missing, to feeling whole and complete. Reconnecting with your repressed emotions is done with great honoring and respect of your pacing; to the wisdom in you that knows how much emotion to bring up at any given moment.
Because sound is vibration, my experience in working with people over the last 30 years is that it creates healing movement in areas that have been stuck. This can help break up entrenched unhealthy emotional patterns, opening people to new possibilities in behavior and thought. I also use sound to evoke a body-level, visceral experience of Essence; that which is larger than ourselves.
People I’ve worked with have reported feeling peaceful, calm and grateful after listening to the sounds that come through my voice. This spiritual experience is without any dogma, and can help you know the truth of how worthy, loved and lovable you are. The more we are filled with the visceral, embodied experience of this Essence that loves us unconditionally, the stronger our conviction becomes that the hurtful critic within is distorting the truth. It may have a helpful message for us, but it’s saying it in a way that hurts rather than helps.
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