The Sounding Heart

The Sounding Heart – with Shira Stone, LMFT

Combining Psychotherapy, Sound Healing and Somatic Therapy

me and bowls on beach
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Sound Healing Immersion

Come and experience powerful healing sounds that resonate with your body, mind, and spirit. During this journey, you will be filled with frequencies created by the sounding of alchemical crystal bowls, along with the unique and potent vibrations channeled through Shira’s voice.
Shira is gifted with an ability to tune into and produce the frequencies needed by a person’s body and emotions at any given moment in order to release constrictions and allow them to align with their truest selves.
As part of the sound immersion circle, Shira will offer mini healing sessions to three willing participants, benefitting not only those individuals, but also the group as a whole. Many attendees are surprised at the depth of healing they experience, whether or not they are the direct focus of the vocalizations. Truly, we are all connected.
The immersion closes with a sound bath of crystal bowls and vocalizations. However, this is not your typical sound bath, but rather an opportunity to allow sound and vibration to release energetic blockages, dissolve tensions, and invite alignment with your higher self.

Who is this for?

This experience is both for those curious about exploring a different approach to healing, meditation, and spiritual awakening, as well as for those who want to deepen their spiritual/emotional growth. It is for anyone dreaming of the sounds of angels and spirit guides come to uplift, heal, and illuminate their path.

What you’ll take away from this experience

While each experience is unique, many participants leave with a deep sense of peace, integration, and a feeling of being centered and uplifted


First Saturday of the month, 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm
Center For Spiritual Living, 1818 Felt St, Santa Cruz
Cost: $20
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