The Sounding Heart

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Sound Healing with Psychotherapy for Ptsd

When we have experiences that are unbearable, we have a built-in protection system that allows us to survive it. Electrical systems have a circuit breaker that cuts off the charge when it gets too high, so the wires don’t fry. Our nervous systems also can only handle so much charge before it gets destructive. Our defenses are our circuit breakers, which are often to leave our bodies and disconnecting from the unbearable emotions.

While this lets us survive, being disconnected from our body and emotions leaves people with PTSD feeling cut off from themselves and others. Another problem people with PTSD experience is when there is a situation that even remotely reminds them of the trauma, their nervous system goes into survival mode of fight, flight or freeze. These intense high alert reactions can make it hard to live life, and to have relationships.

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If this describes you, the Sounding Heart Method can help. The Sounding Heart method slowly brings you back into your body, so you can once again feel connected with yourself. We will show you ways to calm your nervous system when you are triggered, so you can move towards regaining control of your life.
I can help you process the unbearable emotions at a very slow pace, so that they are bearable. I use sound to help you connect with these emotions with kindness and compassion, which is what is needed for you to heal. Re-connecting with your repressed emotions can let you transform the disempowered experience of being fragmented into the relief of feeling whole once again.
My sounds can help relieve anxiety, and leave you feeling calm and peaceful. They can also give you a felt experience of being nurtured and cared for, which can lead to your being able to treat yourself with kindness and warmth.

Come have the freedom to live your authentic life.

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